Adult Befriending
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Enable Ability offers long term befriending support, to take service users out, who are either socially isolated or severely restricted due to their disability. Hours and activities can be chosen by the service user and their befriender to provide a varied lifestyle. Service users have the same Befriender every week providing them with consistency and reliability in their life.Activities can include shopping, bowling, cinema, gym sessions, theme parks, theatre and much more. This is a client led service providing a much-needed stable relationship to a lot of disabled people in the community.Adult Befriending is normally funded via direct payments. Most adults with moderate to severe physical and learning disabilities will be in receipt of direct payments once they turn 18 years of age after an assessment of their needs. They can then decide which services they would like to pay for to suit them and their needs. Other funding sources may be used, but please contact us for further information.