Enable Ability Youth Project
Contact details
The Enable Ability Youth Project is run for young people aged between 17-25 years, living in post codes PO1 to PO16 with a mild to moderate learning or physical disability, or special educational needs.The Project aims to provide young people with the opportunity to engage in a variety of planned recreational, social and leisure activities as part of a group setting. This enables young people to interact and socialise with other peers on a regular basis. Activities are designed to improve pivotal life skills for all young people; including building their confidence & self-esteem, independence, communications and multi-tasking skills.Enable Ability Youth Project staff are trained to support young people and accommodate their needs during each activity, regardless of their level of ability, physical or otherwise.Activities for the Project include social clubs, going out for meals, going to the cinema, ten pin bowling, art and crafts activities, baking/cooking, sports and general socialising. We also arrange a variety of day trips outside of the local area to museums, theatres or theme parks. A mini bus service is also provided to accommodate for long distance trips. Most of our sessions will usually take place at the weekend and if you are unable to find transport to and from the activities then speak to a member of staff as we may be able to help in exceptional circumstances.We also run a holiday programme, Enable Ability Youth Scheme, which runs 10am to 4pm daily at a local Activity Centre during the academic break periods.Once a referral to our Project has been made – this can be by a parent, the young person themselves or a professional – we arrange a home visit to meet the family and have a chat about our project and what we can offer. As an extension to the project; Inter Activ offers a variety of supported volunteering and work experience activities designed to increase each young person’s employability skills. We also offer workshops on CV and interview skills working in partnership with local organisations and providers.There is no obligation to attend all activities; parents and carers are free to register their son/daughter for as many activities as they please.If you are interested in your young person being involved with the Youth Project, please contact the Project Leader by calling during office hours on 023 9267 1846 or sending an email to portsmouthyp@enableability.org.uk
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Key Facts:
Eligibility | Aged 17 to 25 years old living in Portsmouth (postcodes PO1 - PO6) |
Level of support | Activity-based sessions in a supervised group setting |
Access | By referral or enquiry. A home visit will be required before attending to assess suitability for the services. |
Location | Various places in the local area and sometimes further afield. Normally on Saturdays with the occasional Sunday. |
Cost | The costs of the support staff are borne by the charity from various funding sources. |
Additonal fees | Expenses related to the various activities may need to be borne by the parents or carers. Transport is available at an extra charge. |
More information | Call the office on 023 9267 1846 or email: portsmouthyp@enableability.org.uk |
The Portsmouth Youth Project was integrated with our Hampshire Youth Project so the flyer below is a little dated but is relevant in content and objectives. Click on the image to download the flyer below: