In January 2023, Iain Morrison, Chairman of the Portsmouth Property Association (PPA), selected Enable Ability and ‘The Moving on Project Portsmouth’ as his designated charities for the year 2023-2024.
Members and staff of PPA raised funds across the year for both charities through various events, member subscriptions, and their annual charity dinner- which took place in February. Enable Ability staff and Trustees were lucky enough to attend the PPA Annual Charity Dinner as special guests, with the charity table kindly supported by IOW and Hampshire based chartered surveyors, Wheeler and Lai.
The combined efforts of all the year’s events raised a whopping £6,000, which has been split between both charities.
Enable Ability Partnerships and Events Officer, Hollie said;
Enable Ability were deeply honoured to have been selected as one of the Chairman of Portsmouth Property Association’s designated charities this past year. Iain’s kindness in bringing together Enable Ability and the Moving On Project Portsmouth (MOPP) team is greatly appreciated!
With only approximately 3-4% of Enable Ability’s income coming from donations, receiving £3,000 from PPA to kickstart our new financial year is truly remarkable! This will be of great support to the children, young people and adults with disabilities who use our services, but also to their families who receive much needed respite care.
Attending the PPA Annual Charity dinner was a delightful experience for our staff, who relished the opportunity to dress up for such a glamorous occasion. Listening to the guest speakers was a particular highlight of the evening!
The Chairman of PPA, Iain Morrison, also stated;
What a privilege it has been to be associated with Enable Ability in my role as Chairman of the PPA (Portsmouth Property Association). Choosing your charities to support for your short term in office (typically annually) is both a great honour but also a big responsibility and I was committed to look to support 2 very different but equally important charities. I’m delighted that we’ve been able to raise such well needed funds as well as promote Enable Ability and Moving on Project Portsmouth (MOPP) awareness on social media and treat them to an evening out at our fund-raising Dinner where we were able to welcome the Reverend Kate Bottley. We hope they continue to do such amazing work for many years to come.
We were recently delighted to present Iain, on behalf of PPA, with a certificate of appreciation for all their hard work- we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Iain and PPA for their invaluable support this year.
Thank you!